• Reintroducing Tigers

Reintroducing tigers in Indian context means establishing a tiger population in area which was part of its historical range but from where it has gone locally extinct.

The principal aim of reintroduction exercise is to establish a viable, free-ranging population in the wild, of tiger that has become locally extinct in the wild. The reintroduction is carried out in the former natural range of the tiger with minimal long-term management.

The objective of India’s re-introduction program is to enhance the long-term survival of wild tigers in a manner that they could potentially perform their ecological and evolutionary role.

NTCA has prepared a protocol on tiger re-introduction which deals with aims and objectives of reintroduction, constitution of team, pre-project activites, conducting feasibility study, selection and evaluation of site, suitability of release stock of tigers, socio-economic requirements, preparation for release and post release activities.

You may download the reintroduction protocol here.